Monday, May 4, 2009

Just in time for Mothers Day......Kyler Lee Todd makes an early arrival!!!!!

Where do I start??? Kyler Lee decided to make an early entrance into the world Sunday May 3, 2009 at 12:24 pm. Since Lee was still out of town turkey hunting I decided to stay with Amy and Brandon Saturday night just in case anything "out of the ordinary" were to happen!!! Little did we know that my water would break at 4 oclock that morning. Lee was still in MO and got the frantic phone call to come home. As we rushed to the hospital, Lee and Mr. Gary got on the road to home. We checked in the hospital and then the waiting game started. We were waiting for Lee to get here to start the c-section because Kyler was still breech. Everything went really well through the surgery and Kyler came out at a whopping 6 lbs. 7oz.!!!! Kyler was doing great and he and Daddy were sent to the well baby nursery. After being there for almost an hour, he started having some trouble breathing and was sent to the NICU. It was overwhelming on all of us at first but Kyler is improving every hour and is doing GREAT!!!! He is breathing on his own and it is the same air that you and I breathe. He has on a CPAP to help fill his lungs and should be getting that off tommorrow or the next day. We are so excited that he is here!!!!!!!!!!!! He looks just like Daddy, but has Momma's strawberry blonde hair :) Here are a few pics of little man over the past 24 hours......................................
This is Kyler in the well baby nursery, isnt he
just HANDSOME!!!
Here is all the crowd that came to visit. He has
LOTS of admirers!!

Kyler and Momma
Notice how he cant keep those legs inside??? They
put them in and he kicks them right back out.
Daddy and "mini me" in the nursery!!!
He just cant get enough of him :)


  1. YAY!!!!!!!! congrats! he's precious!!!! i'm so glad everything is okay now! keep us posted!

    oh, and he picked the best day to be born...seth's birthday! ha! :)

  2. Ali and Lee, Congratulations on a beautiful baby boy. So happy to hear that he is doing well. Have been watching the Todd Family Blog for news for weeks now and trying to keep up with what is happening up there. This is just great news!!!!!
    Cousin Henry & Paula DeBerry

  3. Congrats! I am glad everyone is doing so well. Keep us posted!!
